National Archive - Pioneers Exhibition

Exhibition Promotional Campaign for Digital and Print

Shaping the Concept.


The concept for the exhibition’s promotional campaign emerged through collaboration between the digital agency Positive and the National Archive in The Hague. Together, they aimed to create an engaging visual concept showcasing the pioneering work of the first women in photography. Through collaborative brainstorming, they identified key themes and elements, ensuring the concept conveyed empowerment, innovation, and artistic achievement. The iterative process involved refining ideas to align seamlessly with the exhibition’s goals and resonate effectively with the target audience. The resulting campaign sought to not only promote the event but also foster a connection with potential visitors across various digital platforms.

Executing the visual language.

Executing the visual language for the campaign proved challenging with the limitations imposed on manipulating the generic exhibition photography. Unable to utilize traditional cropping or overlay techniques, the team opted for a minimalist approach. Typography, logos, and simple visual elements were strategically placed on the photographs to enhance their visual appeal.


To address the need for color and symbolize the feminine role in photography, a gradient design element was introduced on the side. This gradient served a dual purpose, adding vibrancy to the visuals and symbolically representing the progression of women in photography. It transitioned from dull and dark tones in the past to vibrant and saturated hues in the present, visually communicating the evolution of women’s contributions to the field.


By adopting these design elements, the team successfully worked within the constraints of generic exhibition photography, creating a visually compelling campaign that captured attention and told a nuanced visual story of the historical trajectory of women in photography. The combination of typography, logos, and the symbolic gradient element worked together to convey the exhibition’s narrative and engage the audience effectively.

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